Graziella Trovato

Architect by the University of Palermo (Italy, cum laude 1994), Master in Heritage and Urban Restoration (1996) and Ph.D in Architecture by the Escuela Tecnica Superior de Arquitectura (Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, sobresaliente cum laude, 2004) where she teaches Architectural Composition. She works in the Research Group Paisaje Cultural.Intervenciones contemporaneas en la ciudad y en el territorio(U.P.M.). She is the author of the book Architetti italiani in Spagna oggi (Mancosu Architectural Books 2011), Des-velos. Autonomía de la envolvente en la arquitectura contemporánea (Akal 2007) and of collective works such as Social Hosing & the City (Ministerio de la Vivienda 2009, nominated for the Biennale Iberamericana de Arquitectura y Urbanismo, Cadiz 2012), La Torre de Cristal (Turner 2010), Worldwide Architecture (UTET 2010) and Ciudades posibles(Lengua de Trapo 2003). She is part of the Editorial Staff of the journal Ciudad y Territorio. Estudios Territoriales and correspondent in Spain for the journals Il Giornale dell’Architettura (Torino, Allemandi), PressT/Letter and Compasses. Architecture and Design(Emirates Printing Press LLC, Dubai, United Arab Emirates). Chief curator of the exposition Architetti Italiani in Spagna Oggi in collaboration with AIAC and the Instituto Cervantes in Rome, Italy and with the Fundacion Fernando de Castro in Madrid in the context of the Architectural Week organized by COAM (Colegio de Arquitectos de Madrid). She founded her own professional office with Luis Moya in 1998 in Madrid.